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Laura Chappell
Analyze Multiple SACK Blocks
Selective ACKs reduce the number of retransmissions on the network - enabling a receiver to indicate the missing Sequence Numbers while...

Laura Chappell
Reading a Selective ACK (SACK) Block
If you've been capturing traffic for a while, you've likely encountered some Selective Acknowledgment blocks. Selective Acknowledgment...

Laura Chappell
NEW: Wireshark Auto-Switch Profiles
Wireshark version 4.4.0 just dropped last week and it has a cool new feature in it: auto-switch profiles! This may change how I use...

Laura Chappell
Uber Humorous Wireshark
Last weekend, I settled in to watch the final episodes of Super Pumped: The Battle For Uber on Netflix. After a week of intense work on...
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